Mastering the Freezer-99 lbs/quarter of a cow

1/8th variety pack ~50#
What are the cuts and numbers of cuts I might expect?
Weight varies with each cow; all meat is freezer ready. We do our best to keep the 1/8th and 1/4 variety packs as equal in offerings and weight as possible. However, because the cuts do not always come out in even numbers, variety packs will vary slightly in numbers of steaks, roasts etc.
Off Family Ranch is one of the few operations that offers the smaller, freezer-friendly 1/8th variety pack of beef. It will consume approximately two thirds of a standard refrigerator freezer. See image of a 1/8th variety pack on this page for size reference.
1/8th Packaging contains approximately
- ~1-2 New York Strip Steaks
- ~1-2 Tenderloins (Filet Mignon)
- ~1-2 Top Sirloin Steaks
- ~1-2 Round Steaks
- ~ 1-2 Rib Steaks (2 per package)
- ~1-2 Sirloin Tip Steaks (2 per package)
- ~3-4 Roasts (Pikes Peak, Chuck, Rump, Brisket)
- ~1 package Stew Meat
- ~20-25 pounds Ground (1# packages)
1/4th Packaging contains approximately
- ~2-4 New York Strip Steaks
- ~2-4 Tenderloins (Filet Mignon)
- ~2-4 Top Sirloin Steaks
- ~2-4 Round Steaks
- ~2-4 Rib Steaks (2 per package)
- ~2-4 Sirloin Tip Steaks (2 per package)
- ~6-8 Roasts (Pikes Peak, Chuck, Rump, Brisket)
- ~2 packages Stew Meat
- ~40-50 pounds Ground (1# packages)
If you have the freezer space or want to share a half or whole beef, these packs are very economical. We request a $500 deposit for a half. Ordering in increments of 1/2, we can do a custom cut style to suit you.
1/2 Cow contains approximately- (using our standard 1/8th variety packaging)
- ~6-7 New York Strip Steaks
- ~6-7 Tenderloins (Filet Mignon)
- ~5-6 Top Sirloin Steaks
- ~5-6 Round Steaks
- ~6-8 Rib Steaks (2 per package)
- ~5-6 Sirloin Tip Steaks (2 per package)
- ~14-15 Roasts (Pikes Peak, Chuck, Rump, Brisket)
- ~4 packages Stew Meat
- ~80-100 pounds Ground (1# packages)
Do you provide a Filet Mignon in your variety pack?
Yes! A Filet Mignon is a cut of the Tenderloin, an internal muscle that is non-weight bearing and therefore very tender. The tenderloin runs the length of the spine; getting smaller as it goes from rear to head. Our T-bone steaks are really two steaks in one. The larger side of the cut is a New York Strip steak, the smaller side is a tender Filet Mignon.
Can we get thicker cuts of steaks?

“Had a Porterhouse Au Poivre last night with my French daughter. She was very pleased!”
“As you know, I raised my own beef for many years and had to give it up when we downsized. After having to go to retail grocers for commercial beef and then Whole Foods for grass fed beef, what a BARGAIN for the QUALITY your beef is! The beef has been great and I really appreciate knowing where our foods is coming from. (The processor did a great job as well.) Thanks for your dedication to healthy eating.”